Charging of 3PLs

Logistikdienstleistung, insbesondere im Lager-/Kontraktlogistikbereich, ist kein einfaches Geschäft. Selbst wenn die Herausforderungen des operativen Geschäftes erfolgreich bewältigt wurden, muss die Dienstleistung fristgerecht und korrekt an den Kunden verrechnet werden. Die Verrechnungsintervalle und auch die Fristen sind vertraglich festgehalten und auch zu verrechnenden Dienstleistung und deren Preise sind klar geregelt. Wo ist das Problem?
Im Wesentlichen muss die Abrechnung korrekt, vollständig und nachvollziehbar sein.

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Just enough

What was considered a goal only for the absolute minimalists in school is the highest aim in capacity planning for a logistics operation. Having enough capacity to meet the delivery promise, the service level, but also no idle capacity. From economical perspective, this is certainly desirable, but what is the effect on the process participants?

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Outline of a warehouse operation

There are many reasons why someone might want to gain an overview of a warehouse or logistics operation: a new job, new responsibilities, a project, or simply a desire to better understand the operation. Sometimes, the need to look beyond one’s immediate area of work arises from daily involvement in a subprocess.

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How much does logistics cost?

In many companies, decisions made in other departments significantly influence logistics costs. Detailed cost calculations can uncover such relationships and should be considered in decision-making. This enables logistics to proactively contribute to the positive development of the results rather than just reacting to consequences.

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Productivity: Why is average not good enough?

Productivity management for a warehouse operation is a very sensitive topic. It can lead into frustration of the workforce rather than the expected improvements. In this post we’ll explore the hurdles and show a solution approach, which leads to a continuous improvement process and a motivation booster.

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Treasure Hunt in the Warehouse

No, this isn’t about finding inventory discrepancies. It’s more about the data that a logistics operation generates on a daily basis. The warehouse management system (WMS) typically documents the individual activities in great detail, but what happens to these data after the order is completed? Very often, not much. Unfortunately. These data hold enormous potential to analyze processes, improve planning, distribute efforts and thus costs more fairly, increase the satisfaction of employees and, last but not least, increase efficiency.

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Idle time as productivity killer in the warehouse

It is certainly no surprising insight that idle periods affect the productivity of warehouse employees. Idle periods in the sense of a lack of immediately executable tasks for an employee. For loading, it is necessary that the goods are prepared and loading is released. If no such goods are available for a longer time, motivated employees will look for other productive work. But if the period is only short, work is waited for, and time is lost. Depending on the situation, this is also claimed later with the remark “The system was slow again today.”

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State of the art logistics center opened in Tuggen (573 years ago)

Conveniently located on the trade route between Zurich and Lombardy, with its own dock on Lake Tuggen, the class A logistics center in Tuggen (Canton Schwyz, Switzerland) sets new standards with its massive construction made from stone. The ground-level cross-docking zone, specially secured valuables area, and salt storage on the top floor accessible through state-of-the-art lifting technology are complemented by representative business premises and staff accommodations. This modern platform offers Zurich merchants the opportunity to take advantage of the duty-free status granted by Emperor Friedrich III in 1447, from Rotterdam through Zurich to Italy.

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Surveillance or Assistance?

How should the real-time collection of individual performance and quality data in a logistics center be evaluated? The Administrative Court of Hannover/Germany, under case number 10 A 6199/20, ruled on February 9, 2023 regarding personal data protection aspects. Although the judgment specifically refers to the case of an Amazon logistics center, it provides concrete guidelines for the correct legally compliant implementation of such a measure. Furthermore, the interaction with the prevailing operation’s or corporate culture should be considered.

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