flumiq sketch control panel

Conveniently located on the trade route between Zurich and Lombardy, with its own dock on Lake Tuggen, the class A logistics center in Tuggen (Canton Schwyz, Switzerland) sets new standards with its massive construction made from stone. The ground-level cross-docking zone, specially secured valuables area, and salt storage on the top floor accessible through state-of-the-art lifting technology are complemented by representative business premises and staff accommodations. This modern platform offers Zurich merchants the opportunity to take advantage of the duty-free status granted by Emperor Friedrich III in 1447, from Rotterdam through Zurich to Italy.

This is probably how the marketing sounded when one of the first stone houses in the canton of Schwyz opened in 1450. IMeanwhile (since 1563), Lake Tuggen has silted up, trade routes have evolved, and the building has been called “Stone Heap” since the collapse of the west facade around 1800.

Meeting with Rolf Hinder, the responsible foundation president, at a recent event, we spontaneously arranged a tour. It’s incredible how much effort is being put into uncovering the secrets of such a unique building and how extensive the restoration process is. For me, it’s a firsthand experience of trade and logistics history, as the historical artifacts are still accessible in their raw form, and the excitement of the not-yet-fully-explored areas remains. Rolf is willing to share his insights into the house and an episode in the history of logistics in further tours. If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

flumiq sketch control panel

Pictures: top left: Warehouse management system with long-term archiving (on the beam) top right: Rolf Hinder (foundation president) in his element bottom left: Stone heap / Steinhaufen before renovation bottom right: digital twin.