Process Mining
Process mining is often equated with the goal of business process optimization . The name also evokes associations with mining for gold. Similar to the gold rush, the focus of process mining is often on the end result, process improvement, and underestimates the benefits that are already being achieved along the way.
The flumiq approach makes processes tangible
Users are taken on a discovery journey through the operational processes in the logistics center. They navigate through intuitive and interactive visualisations that often reflect their experiences and expectations , thus promoting trust in their own abilities as well as in the tools. It becomes interesting when unexpected details or new connections come to light. Users see the contradiction to their previous experience and analyze further until they have an explanation for the phenomenon. What sounds playful is a method that has long been used in other areas as exploratory data analysis or exploratory software testing.
flumiq focuses on process mining for logistics processes, enabling exploratory analysis where deep knowledge is available, with the logistics center specialists . Based on the generic 3P model, the data and processes are made tangible despite their complexity. The dialogue between various subject matter experts is also consciously promoted.
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