3P model

«Logistics is easy. Goods in, goods out.» Logistics experts often hear this from different directions. The complexity of the 7 R’s (the Right Product in the Right Quality at the Right Time and Place, in the Right Quantity with the Right Information at the Right Cost) in a world with demand fluctuations, shortage of skilled workers, constantly changing requirements, supply delays, and many other uncertainties only becomes apparent, if somebody is looking into the details. And this complexity is also reflected in the management and analysis systems. These usually represent the current state and neglect the dynamics of the processes.

The flumiq 3P model promotes the dialogue

The flumiq 3P model is different in this regard. This process model is built based on three dimensions. It reflects the perspective of the process-leading order (process), of the employees or automation devices (people), and material flow (product). Each activity can be traced back to predecessors and successors based on the 3 perspectives. The model is simple yet comprehensive , promoting dialogue between different specialists. Operations managers, material flow and process planners, as well as IT system specialists, can all relate to their respective areas of expertise.

The data is extracted from existing operational systems such as the Warehouse Management System, Transport Management System, Yard Management System, Time & Attendance system, Telematics systems, as well as various sensors and combined in the flumiq 3P model . Even data that cannot be linked traditionally due to lack of key information is connected with the help of Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

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